First issue sleeve with a circular die-cut in sleeve, revealing rotating ‘clockwork’ card insert through which the band members be viewed on a full-color backing sheet. Uncensored images of a nude girl on the inside and back of the gatefold and under the clock insert. (An added “bikini bottom” was used to censor these images on the second US version of this album, cat suffix ‘X’).
Labels: Track timings on labels differ to those on inside sleeve. On the labels the side indications are ‘Side 1’ and ‘Side 2’. First catalog number on spine and cover, second on label.
“Manufactured by” information is taken from label rim-text but there are no known pressing-plant marks on this version of the release. An otherwise identical version exists with ‘TƧM’ added to the runouts ([r=17468650]) indicating disks pressed at [l926053].
Plated at [l438055].
“Mfg. by Grand Award Record Co., Inc., a subsidiary of ABC Records Inc. 1330 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10019”.
‘Command/Probe’ appears on the spine while the labels and front cover show ‘Command/ABC Records/Probe.’
“…Selections published by Amm Jay Music Inc. – BMI”.
[a45646] is credited with “Lead Guitar”, but actually mostly plays Bass Guitar on this release.
A1 Hope For Happiness 4:20
A2 Joy Of A Toy 2:49
A3 Hope For Happiness (Reprise) 1:37
A4 Why Am I So Short? 1:38
A5 So Boot If At All 7:22
A6 A Certain Kind 4:10
B1 Save Yourself 2:25
B2 Priscilla 1:05
B3 Lullabye Letter 4:37
B4 We Did It Again 3:46
B5 Plus Belle Qu’une Poubelle 1:01
B6 Why Are We Sleeping? 5:31
B7 Box 25/4 Lid 0:47