Recorded Live, Newcastle City Hall, March 26, 1971.
“Produced by Greg Lake for E. G. Records”
Labels are gray/blue with black printing. “Cotillion” in a yellow box above the center hole.
At the bottom of the label is “MFG. BY ATLANTIC RECORDING CORP., 75 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, N.Y., N.Y.”
Large pressing ring.
A1 Promenade
A2 The Gnome
A3 Promenade
A4 The Sage
A5 The Old Castle
A6 Blues Variation
B1 Promenade
B2 The Hut Of Baba Yaga
B3 The Curse Of Baba Yaga
B4 The Hut Of Baba Yaga
B5 The Great Gates Of Kiev